Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Basketball (Girls JV), Franklin Central High School, Dance Team, Basketball (Girls V), Basketball (Girls Fr)
Girls Basketball Senior Night

Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V)
Flashes Girls Basketball vs. Mooresville *Photos Courtesy of JML Photography

Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V)
Girls Basketball vs. Center Grove on 11/7 * Photos Courtesy of JML Photography

Basketball (Girls JV), Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V)
Franklin Central Girls Basketball vs. Westfield 12/19/23

Swimming & Diving (Girls V), Wrestling (Boys V), Wrestling (Girls V), Basketball (Boys JV), Cheerleading, Swimming & Diving (Boys V), Basketball (Girls JV), Basketball (Boys Fr), Basketball (Boys V), Franklin Central High School, Dance Team, Basketball (Girls V), Basketball (Girls Fr)
Winter Athletic Teams
Wrestling (Boys JV), Swimming & Diving (Girls V), Wrestling (Boys V), Wrestling (Girls V), Gymnastics, Basketball (Boys JV), Cheerleading, Swimming & Diving (Boys V), Basketball (Girls JV), Basketball (Boys Fr), Basketball (Boys V), Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V), Basketball (Girls Fr)
Winter Team Photos
Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V)
2022-23 ALL COUNTY PLAYER - Lily Graves

Franklin Central High School, Basketball (Girls V)
Senior Night - Girls BBall